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Health Requirements

Immunizations and Health Records

Licensing rules require Kalamazoo Country Day School to have on file a completed physical and current immunization record, or a medical waiver for such immunizations. This information must be submitted with the enrollment papers.

Medical Absences

In case of an illness:
Inform the office by 7:45am at (269) 329-0116.


KCDS requires the student to rest at home until they are free of fever, vomiting, and/or diarrhea for a full 24 hours. If your child tests positive for a strep infection, we request they not return to school until they have been on antibiotics for at least 24 hours. In the event that your child tests positive for Covid-19, we will be following the CDC guidelines at the time. Please inform the office as soon as you are aware of a positive case.

Please contact us with any additional questions you have regarding our health requirements.

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